Edwin shaw acute rehab
Edwin shaw acute rehab

The current location address for Edwin Shaw Rehab Llc is 330 Broadway St E,, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio and the contact number is 33 and fax number is. The NPI Number for Edwin Shaw Rehab Llc is 1598863086.

edwin shaw acute rehab edwin shaw acute rehab

Total number of ED visits who were seen on the previous calendar day who had a visit related to COVID-19 (meets suspected or confirmed definition or presents for COVID diagnostic testing – do not count patients who present for pre-procedure screening). 440.937.9099 Cleveland Clinic Rehabilitation Hospital, Beachwood Virtual Tour 216.455.6400 Cleveland Clinic Rehabilitation Hospital, Edwin Shaw Virtual Tour 234.815. Overview Cleveand Clinic Rehabilitation Hospital, Edwin Shaw Akron, Ohio Physical Therapist (PT) - Inpatient Rehabilitation Benefits of being a therapist. Edwin Shaw Rehab Llc is a General Acute Care Hospital in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio.

Edwin shaw acute rehab